Relationship issues!! Advice PLEASE!


Im 29 and my BD just turned 21. He's very immature but i didn't notice until i got pregnant. This pregnancy has been pure hell for me! Lost my job (he's never worked so i was supporting us both plus my other 2 kids), lost my vehicle, no income so i have to live with a relative and he's became more and more distant! 1st he gave me a disease and will NOT admit to cheating on me when i know i havent been woth anyone but him! I forgave him. Last night he called me lazy amd boring because i was in bed at 9:30pm!! He doesn't inderstand me being tired! He still expects to have sex even when im hurting! Its like everything has to be centered around him and i just wanna be catered to because im carrying his child!! Im 30 weeks 5 days and im really considering not even telling him when i go on labor! I kinda wanna just do this on my own and not evwn let him see her because he's been an asshole the entire pregnancy and he still isnt working and hasn't even tried to buy a pack of diapers! Hasnt tried to buy her ANYTHING! I dont want to birth a child alone but i also dont want to end up hurt or stressed out even more because i really sont feel like we're gonna make it!