Cycle Day 16- looking for TTC cycle buddies!

Kat • Eliana Lynn 03/05/2019🌈💖 Alexander James 06/15/2020🌈💙 Amelia Elizabeth 03/24/2022🌈💖

I’m new to the world of TTC and I am currently in my predicted “green week” of my second cycle since our loss. I just bought a 10 pack of ovulation tests but don’t want to use all of them this month if I don’t have to. So ladies, what I’m looking for is other women with regular cycles that line up with mine. If you are actively <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> when do you typically ovulate? About when do you think I should start taking the ovulation tests? Now? I ovulated late with my daughter so I may ovulate late again, I don’t know. I’ve gotten pregnant 3 times “accidentally” (2 losses) so I’m hoping we conceive quickly this time. We’ve had one unsuccessful cycle so I’m hoping this one is it. If any of my cycle buddies would like to chat also, that’d be great! I don’t have any ttc friends and my husband isn’t as into it as I am. He just BDs when I tell him we need to and that’s the most he engages in it lol