Talk Dirty to Me (No, really. Please help, lol)


Hey y’all. In the eight months since I started having sex, I have found myself to be somewhat of a blowjob goddess. No one is more amazed by this than I, and I’m actually kinda proud of this fact, haha. Here’s my problem. I AM TERRIBLE AT THE DIRTY TALK WHILE DOING IT. I feel like that should be the easiest part of giving a blowjob, but I never know what to say, and it makes me feel flustered and silly to try.

Do any of you have any pointers, or any words or phrases that really get your partners going? Any tips would be greatly appreciated because, although he’s never pushed me to say or do anything I’m uncomfortable with, I know he’d really enjoy hearing some things while I’m at it. I’m okay with stepping out of my comfort zone on this one, lol.