Have my first D&C tomorrow and found out it runs in our family

Apparently on my moms side her sister, female cousins, and herself all have had multiple missed miscarriages before being able to have a single living child. All have had to have D&C’s. I go in for my first one tomorrow. My mom had 3 missed miscarriages and my twin stop growing in our second trimester and she almost lost my younger brother(she also almost died caring him full term). I knew she had miscarriages but not that they were all missed miscarriages...

So now I have a very high chance of having a few of them. What’s worse is that they have to be MMCs. I will have to get a D&C again most likely. How am I supposed to go through this again? I wish we could adopt, I would do it in a heartbeat but we don’t have that kind of money.