Arthur Neil is here, I'm so happy

Kris • Married 💏💍, boy mom 💙👨‍👩‍👦, furmommy 3 🐈 2 🐕

Born 9/17/19, due date was 9/20/19. My water broke around 11:15 Monday night and my husband rushed to the hospital wanting to get me there as soon as possible since we live about an hour away. We get there and I'm only dilated 1 cm but they want to monitor me to see if things progress. Around 1:15 Tuesday morning they say they might let me go home, cause it didn't look like things were progressing as quickly as they would like but not long after that his heart beat fluttered and I had a big contraction so they wanted to wait a little bit longer before they sent me home. Thirty minutes later I was 3 cm and not long after that contractions started getting more frequent. By 5 cm (around 3 or 4 am) I was being transferred to to my own room and by 7 cm I finally got an epidural. Unfortunately I had "dead spot" on my left side so I still felt every contraction but only in my left hip and thigh, but I stayed strong. By 10 am it was time to push and after pushing through 4 contractions, and with the help of a vacuum on my last push, Arthur Neil was born. At 10:24 am Tuesday morning I was holding this beautiful 7lb 8oz baby boy. I'm so thankful for this little blessing, I really can't put into words how I feel it's just so much. I look at him and I can't help but smile and tear up at the same time, my heart just swells up with all this love I feel for him. I'm so happy he's finally here.