The double standard...

I’m supposed to be super woman. Working mom, making a pretty good living but admittedly he earns more as most men do. That’s another rant though. DS turns 5 months this week.

Hubs forgot to stop at the bank yesterday to pay the nanny. Forgot he needs to give me a ride home from the hospital after a procedure next week and committed to something at work instead. 2nd time I rescheduled the procedure bc he forgot last time too. Both times I sent him reminders on his calendar.

Asks what’s for dinner when I walk in the door last night. Asks if I had a chance to repair the couch cushions for a couch located in a house I haven’t even seen in months bc I’m too busy working and caring for our son. Asks me to furnish said house but complains that my purchases are in his way, too bulky, too expensive, too cheap. You name it, I bet I fucked it up.

Hands me bills for our son, to “deal with” as if they’re mine alone. Sometimes I just can’t 😬😬😬