I don't want to do it

So my boyfriend is really into hunting and shooting guns. I could care less about doing either of those things. I'm not a prissy girl or high maintenance, I don't mind working outside and getting dirty, but I don't find shooting be an enjoyable experience. I'm a jumpy person by nature, so pound noises aren't my thing. I'm not against them, I just simply don't care for them, the same way I don't really care about cars, they just don't interest me.

Well my problem is that boyfriend loves it and wants me to join him when he's at the shooting range or hunting and I know it's important to him but I really don't like it. It upsets him because he wants to share that side of himself with me but I don't fully understand why he gets so upset. I like to watch "girly" movies and get my nails done but I don't make him do it. I do a lot with him so I don't know why I have to do that with him