Share Your First Ultrasound or Story Telling Your Parents


Had our first ultrasound today!! Share your first ultrasound story with me. How far along were you? What was your baby's heart rate?

My husband I and we're so excited. According to the calendar I'm 7w2d, but as I suspected (since my OPK test wasn't positive until 3 or 4 days later than the average 14 days) the tech said I was probably a bit earlier than that. It was crazy getting to see the heart beat, 116 bpm.

We also finally decided to tell our parents. They didn't know we were even trying and they all flipped out.

Here's my me and my mom after she stopped crying and before she drug every single person she could find into her office to tell them she was finally going to be a grandma.

My MIL. This will be her 10th plus the 2 great grand children she has. She was still ecstatic.