Feeling really bad

My husband and I will be married 1yr November 17th. I never really thought I would never get married but he is my best friend. We have had a lot of problems our first year of marriage. I know everyone says that is normal. Your getting to know each other and their habits, especially since we didn't live together until a month before we got married. I love him so much but his worst habit is sleeping every weekend. I feel like he just doesn't want to be with me sometimes. He will get off of work around 12pm on a Friday and sleep till about 4pm'-6pm Saturday and then go to bed around8-9 Saturday and wake up around 2-4 Sunday. We both work so usually the weekends are the most we get to spend with each other. I just feel hopeless. This has been going on since we have been together and I talked to his parents and they said he's been like this for years and years. I thought maybe he's just going through something, bit he said no. He just wants to sleep and enjoys sleeping. We haven't had sex or intimacy for 40 days... we have done this before, and its not that I am fussing about it but I feel so alone. When I bring this up to him about sleeping all weekend he just says why don't you just come to bed too. I do try to but one of us has to get the house chores and laundry done, and when I lay in bed all day it makes my body ache. I feel like he just doesn't care about me and doesn't want me. We are in marriage counseling and I think I'm going to bring this up in our next session. I went through a serious depression several years ago and I don't want to get back to that way. But here lately I feel myself slipping back into it. When he doesn't touch me or anything for a long period I feel self conscious and feel like it's me. Something is wrong with me. I'm too ugly or fat and then I stop wanting anything and that's where I am now. I don't want to feel this way. I want my husband to want me but I don't know how to make this happen. 😥