Am I crazy for going?

LuLu • 👼🏻🌈 👦🏻 👦🏻 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦mommy too most beautiful baby boys M.N January 2020 H.N October 2021

So this will be long post

Little back story

My hubby is truck driver and he was on vacation for entire month-he was in our home country finishing some family stuff and I couldn’t go because my papers are in process.

So since he came back he is on the road,he will be gone on Saturday and be back Thursday and get restart and again back on the road on Saturday.We need money (taxes are coming and we wants to save us much as possible for down payment to buy our house).So basically I see him for day and half and in that time he will finish what he have in the truck take bath,get rest and we will go to some friends or they will come to us and time passes quickly so we don’t have time to talk that much or time for us l.I miss him

Fast forward last Friday he asked me would I like to go with him and I said yes why not.I told that to my SIL so they know if anything happened were am I.It was fun trip (well he had some problems with load but for me was good).

So here where problems is ; I’m pregnant 22 weeks and this pregnancy only problem I had was urine culture (I took antibiotics and I’m good now my test came back and I’m clean from that).Entire trip I was okay no problems and it was almost like I was at home(I would eat whenever I needed,stop to use restroom whenever I need).If I wasn’t feeling okay I wouldn’t go.

So problem is my husband family.

My MIL :why did you go,what if something happened? (If something bad happened she always thinks that will end by death.)

Me :well nothing happened I’m okay just like baby.

My SIL : you are not normal for going you are pregnant and what if you get infection (uti) because you sitting on toilet seat where all people sit.And why did you go now when you expecting why you didn’t go before.

Me: well I didn’t get any infection I put cover for toilet I had wet wipes so i did take care of my vagina.(and by end of trip I would sense if I got uti because I’m sensitive for that).

So am I wrong for going ?

(First time when I was gone with him I fall of truck and spread my ankle,so since then I was afraid to go.And later I start working so I didn’t go and then I found out I’m pregnant.)

If you came all way here thank you for reading I appreciate that and any advice are welcome.