Not feeling satisfied...?

I am posting anon, since there are family members of mine in this app and most likely in this group.

In the past month, my husband and I have only had 'sex' maybe three times, mostly because he is exhausted all of the other days. I totally understand that. I really do. He goes out, works 10-12 hours a day on his feet to give us everything, and comes home tired! I am so appreciative of that and he knows that.

However. It is affecting my sexual feelings. I want to have sex more than once a week, and have it last longer than 10-15 minutes. Out of the 3 times we have had sex this month, i only orgasmed once and he fell asleep right after.. is this marriage life forever? I am tired too. I am with two screaming toddlers all day. Maybe im not the type of exhausted that he is, but i do get drained out.. but i still always want to have sex with him when he is in my presence. I've tried starting it. He doesn't seem interested. I've pleased myself, but it just isn't the same... How do i go about this? I am even ashamed of the fact that i've thought about finding it in other men... That isn't healthy! I am in love with my husband. I just need real passionate sex.