Contractions real or not?

I’m 38weeks 4 days. Since about 10pm I been having contractions, they aren’t painful more like a dull cramp but my stomach is getting hard. It’s been consistent since then. I also feel pressure in my pelvis when I have that and baby starts moving frantically. I’m gonna wait it out till the morning since its about 3am here and I’m not in any serious pain. I was told when I called the nurse hotline that even if there not painful to go when they get closer together. Any advice??

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Time them and follow your doctor's instructions


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I have the same and I’m only 34 weeks and 5 days, my Obgyn told me that once they start to come every 5 minutes for an hour straight is when you need to get checked out. Mine felt like period cramps but more severe, like the pains I have because of endometriosis. Just watch the time and count baby movements. But if you’re worried it’s best to get checked out just to be safe. Good luck momma!


Samantha • Sep 22, 2019
Yeah ima go in the morning regardless because it’s late and I’m home alone. My husband gets off at 7:30am so when he gets off he’ll take me I’m not in severe pain but I wanna make sure I’m not dilated more then the last time also