Timed intercourse


Soo it’s our first month trying clomid with follicle monitoring and a trigger shot. Took clomid 100mg cycle days 5-9, tomorrow is cycle day 12 so I’ll be going in for my ultrasound and possibly trigger. We BD cycle day 7/9/11 so far. Had to really plan things because doc wanted us to BD Saturday night but I was 9 hours away from hubby for a baptism.... soo I panicked last minute thinking we were going to miss out on 2 of our peak BD days... checked airline tickets to see if I should just have hubby fly to me and stay the night LOL desperate times. Wellll flights were insanely expensive so we didn’t do that. But I flew back at 5am and was home by 9am, making babies by 10am 😆 I am not going to let this month go by without BD every other day this fertile week!!