Struggling with uni

Hey guys, I moved into my university accommodation a couple of days ago. I’m in the uk and we have freshers week which is pretty much just a week of clubbing and heavy drinking, which im chill about but not every night. When my mum left after helping me unpack I was a mess, just wanted to go home. Got very drunk the first night and went out last night too but now homesickness has hit again. My mum is my best friend without a doubt, I’m missing her and my cat and the rest of my family like crazy. My new friends have all gone out tonight and I’ve stayed in because I feel rough, whether that’s from drinking very heavily the past couple of nights or just the stress of it all. This homesickness comes in waves not constantly just very strong moments of it. I’m currently cuddled up in this strange new bed watching nostalgic Netflix shows and having a cry. Part of me wants to drop out and go back to my part time job. I just need some advice :(