Ovulation help 😢

I’m supposed to be ovulating in the next few days according to the app (was supposed to be today but still getting negative OPK’s) me and my husband have been BD everyday for the past couple of nights but every time I wake up I’m bleeding lightly and cramping? The bleed isn’t heavy, the first day it was brownish and mucousy (sorry for the TMI, I know 😩) but today it’s been bright pink and mucousy? It lasts all day long and I’m starting to get really upset about it thinking my chances for a baby this month are slim. My period this month lasted way longer than a normal period (15 days) but they have always been longer anyway, around 10 days. I’m seeing my doctor next Monday but feeling so deflated 😢 is there any chance I still could get pregnant this month? Is bleeding after sex normal during TTC?

Edit: My husband has said the past couple of times he can feel my cervix during, could this be contributing to the bleeding possibly?

TIA ♥️

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