Idefk what this topic eould be


So ive been super horny lately and I dont have any idea why usally im just like of hugs and kisses only and then yesterday my boyfriend came over and like i dont gove head i dont like it but some reason i was really feeling it and i gave him head like a lot and ( little disclaimer i lost my v card it January and since then havent had or done anything like that not even masturbate ) hut like then we did it ad it felt so freaking good and like i have an iud for my periods and have had it for a month bow i went to my doctor and he told me if I decided to have sex i can now because i had to wait the month and like i didnt at the time wanna have sex until i felt safe and committed and i feel safe with him but like ive never been so horny and like im happy but then sad and ugh my mood is changing minute by minute and i dont know why. So anyone got any ideas?????? Andddd off topic how do i make my nipples hard because they ARE NEVERRRRRR hard