I scared my husband today


Today at church my poor husband had the worst scare of our marriage. I had driven separately because I had bible study before service. After service I had to make a run to the store for something before our potluck. I left service 5 minutes early, walked over to our lunch area and realized what I needed. Since his truck was parked closest I took it.

It wasn’t until I was driving that I saw his phone was in the car with me. I was only going down the street and wasn’t going to be more than 10 minutes tops. Well... when I got back I heard he had been frantically looking for me and to the point of shaking. He said I thought someone had stolen the truck because it was gone. Then when he couldn’t find me he thought something bad. You know how your mind can wander in a panic!

When he told me later all I could think was what a testimony of love. He couldn’t find me anywhere he looked and he became so worried for me that it caused him to shake. To be loved so much. 🥰

So tonight we were talking about it and what had happened. Being the jokster I am, I could only reply “honey you’d never lose me. Not even if you strapped a $20 bill to me and a sign that said ‘FREE TO A GOOD HOME’” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣