Concerned Mama!


So I found out I was pregnant a few days ago and I was so excited! But I was bleeding 8 days before (the bleeding lasted 10 days! Different colors) so I immediately went to the ER to get checked! They did a urine test and a blood work and they confirmed I was pregnant. They also did an ultrasound and said everything looked to be forming nicely but I was very early (about 3 1/2 weeks). The doctor told me that if I had anymore bleeding to come back to the ER. The whole day was a huge emotional toll on me. I spent alot of the day crying (here comes the hormones!).

The next morning I woke up to some blood and discharge. Throughout the day, I didn't bleed enough to fill a pad but it was dark blood with no clots but of course I went back to the hospital. This time to a different emergency room in another town.

They did a pelvic exam to see if I was passing tissue or clots or to see if my cervix was trying to open and they said they didn't see anything that really worried them too, too much. They took my HCG level and within 24 hours, it had went from 92 to 90 😔.

They said that I needed to go to my OB asap (my appointment is tomorrow morning).

While in the ER I stopped bleeding. Since I left the ER I've been spotting a little with some discharge.

I'm so nervous and worried about my baby that it's consumed my whole life. I don't know what my doctor will tell me tomorrow and I'm fearing the worst!

My hormones went down 2 points..

Could that have something to do with 2 different labs testing it?

Could all the crying of the first day have something to do with the HCG levels?

Could what I have eaten or time of day make a difference?

Is 2 points even a cause for concern?

Please someone give me honest answers and advice. This is my second pregnancy and I don't remember having bleeding with my first child but I didn't know I was pregnant with my first until I was 8 weeks so Ive found out way earlier with this one.. Could I be loosing my tiny residents only a few days after finding out he/she was there? 😭😭😭