Nipple preference? Confusion? Argh!?


Hello lovely ladies, who better to turn to than you wise mamas.

Here is my situation:

I think my baby is on a boob strike! I am a full time working mama outside of the home. I pump three times as is for when I am at work (EBF), but now I am noticing I am having trouble getting baby to latch at all on my boob when I am home (supply is still very good). This is my second babe and I never had this problem with my first. So since he doesn’t latch, turns away from my boob, I find I have to pump AGAIN. Now I am doing an extra session to keep my supply up making it four pumps a day, which seems to be my nips’ limit because they are getting a bit raw. I am super sad about all this! I am ready to go all out until a year, pumping myself to death but good god, can I salvage my nursing relationship? It seems so late in the game to have this happen. I even try at night, multiple times, when he normally wakes up hungry and I can only get him to eat once. Feeling rejected. Has anyone had this so late in the game???