Mucusy blood for one wipe? Help me out girls

So this is my messed up cycle, ignore where it says I ovulated, I believe I ovulated on the 8th , I did bleed for a short period as you can see, I’m not sure what that was I just remember it was heavy ish like a normal sorta period I’ve then been feeling weird, super nauseous, head aches are a regular thing these last few days, chicken isn’t my friend and usually I love eating food including chicken ect and I wake up today with what looks like blood mixed with cervical mucus , it was more on the brown side too and was only for one wipe, I put a tampon in thinking I’d started my period and the applicator was clean just abit of discharge? Please let me know your thoughts ladies I should be 15 ish dpo if I did ovulate on the 8th x