Early morning wake ups


I've been having this issue since day 1 off and on. When we moved to 3 naps down from 4, that helped for quite a while but we're having the issue again! Some things I've noticed:

-A later bedtime doesn't seem to be the answer.

-We've tried early bedtimes (6:30) but mostly he's in bed just after 7pm.

-Lately he has starting sleeping through the night which is AMAZING (thank you tummy sleeping) but usually he can only go 10-10.5 hours. So everyday it's a 5am wakeup. And he's in play mode for about 30 mins.

-He isn't ready to transition to 2 naps yet unfortunately, 2-2.25 hours awake is the longest I can get out of him.

-His naps are usually 1-1.5 hours each and his third nap is 30-45 mins.

Does anyone have tips? I've read what Takingcarababies had to say on this issue and I'm trying out some things but not sure what else to do. We keep his morning nap between 8 and 9 regardless when he gets up. We treat his 5am wakeup like a nighttime wakeup. And attempt to get him back down. Sometimes it takes him an hour to fall asleep and then I have to wake up at 6:30 or 7 anyways!

Should I cap naps at one hour?