have any of you experienced this?

a little back info:

i’ve been pregnant and given birth 3 times. I got pregnant very easily with all 3. i don’t take it for granted and i know i’m blessed to get pregnant easily because so many women struggled getting pregnant. well i’m 50 lbs heavier than i was before babies. i absolutely cannot lose my baby weight for some reason...

now my husband and i have been trying for another since we want our kids close in again. it’s month two and i was sure i was pregnant. i’m now 9 days late, all negative pregnancy tests but i’ve been nauseous often. i don’t puke and the nausea subsides, but it still comes and goes. i scheduled an appointment but can’t get in for weeks so i figured i’d jump on here and see. Is it possible i’m pregnant and just got pregnant late? my period is pretty much on point. here and there i’ll be late 1 day maybe or early a day. i also had spotting a lot 2 weeks after ovulation which is why i’m super confused bc it looked like implantation bleeding.

my worry about my weight and this current late period is have i developed PCOS? is there something wrong like my mind is going a mile a minute guys. i’m sorry if this all sounds insane. i just am in my own head lately and i just want to know if anyone has experienced this.