

My fiancé and I are not TTC right now, however we did have sex two days before I ovulated and then the day I ovulated. I’m not on birth control. My period is expected in two days. I have taken two pregnancy tests, First Response was negative and then I took a generic but it was with blue dye, there was a noticeably faint line. The past couple of days i have been sensitive to smells. Especially spaghetti. We had spaghetti last night for dinner, after I felt so sick. I’m at work right now and I think someone brought spaghetti for their lunch because I can smell it and the smell is making me nauseous, also my breast are a little tender and I have been getting awful head aches. I’m 20 y/o. I’m not sure if this is just early period symptoms or if I should be concerned about a possible pregnancy.