Pregnancy sex


Ok so no judgement please.

My son is 12 and his dad and I split when I was 9 weeks pregnant as “it wasn’t his and I needed to get rid of it” needless to say my son is his and he’s almost twelve I dumped the dick and raised my boy alone until my husband☺️.

Anyways my husband and I are expecting a baby in January I’m 25 weeks-now. I have had little to no interest in sex until the last 3 weeks. I can’t get enough I’m literally dragging him to the bedroom. Besides him getting annoyed. I never had sex when i was pregnant the first time is there anything i have to worry about? My pregnancy is healthy. But I’m going insane because I feel like that’s all I want to do just trying to make sure there’s no such thing as too much I guess😂.

Any moms able to help me out with this topic?
