I'm now 4 days late and been trying for 14years

Ebony • Be The Love We Need In The World

I'm honestly in such a funk right now..

I'm officially on day number 4 of waiting for Aunt flo, I'm very sure it's coming but I'm still 4 days late as of today..

I wouldn't dare test cause my cramps are terrible per usual so I'm guessing it's just changing.. its low key hurtful, its like life gets a kick out of watching me wreck my brain thinking possibly that I may be pregnant but I could not possibly test because I just don't want to shed tears of disappointment if it comes up negative.. I'm ok right now and I'm trying my best to stay positive...

Honestly I don't even understand why this is my battle but I just keep praying it all makes sense one day 😔😔😩😩😭😭😭😭.... I also have a nice overnight getaway planned for the hubby at the beach and I'm not going to be too upset if it comes cause I'm planning to get it in anyways so I just hope it comes in time for our plans lol..

Signed, The Struggle Is Real..💙💙