To old for bangs??

I’ve had bangs for most of my life.. it was like who I was! Last time I got bangs the lady BUTCHERED them and I looked like a shaggy dog.. i was around 23.. I had to let them grow out but I was always keeping them up and back so now I have thick hair in the back and flat in the front.. I’m 26 now! I am craving them back so badly!! I haven’t had my hair done since the incident, besides me getting frustrated and chopping my hair.. so it’s just a mess.. it’s always up..

is 26 to old for bangs??? I feel like I would look a little juvenile.. walking around with bangs and 2 kids

This was from when I was 19-21

I look completely different now!! I’ve aged and got less tan.. don’t wear make up and don’t dress up.. I feel like if I had my bangs again I would feel more comfortable in myself because that was my identity..

I don’t even have recent pictures because I’m so insecure with my hair now..