stomach issues

I have made a post about this before and got some good advice and help but I’m having even more problems now.

about 3 months ago I began having diarrhoea every morning no matter what. I tried going dairy free for a while but it made no difference. I feel nauseous literally all the time, there hasn’t been a single day for about 3 years where I haven’t felt sick. when it first started happening (3 years ago) I got ultra sounds, stool tests and blood tests and it turned out I had a parasite. they got rid of it but the constant sick feeling never left. I went to the doctors for this a few weeks ago and I got a stool test and blood test done and they said nothing is wrong with me. more recently it’s gotten alot worse. After having diarrhoea for such a long time, about 2 or 3 weeks ago, it stopped and I’ve only been going to the toilet about once or twice a week. My stomach is also constantly making really loud noises, and not the normal ones. It happens sometimes when I breath, each breath in or out it makes a really loud noise and then other times it just goes on for a while, most of the time while I’m feeling sick. I’m going to the doctors tomorrow as I think I may have celiac disease. but anyway, I just thought I should post it on here incase anyone had any advice or other ideas on what could be wrong with me