1st Ultrasound for the little newbie

Leila • Mother of one smart kind 7 year old little lady and expecting little lady #2

My first pregnancy, I did not worry at all. I have got to say 90% of my worry is stemmed from this app community. All of the things that could go wrong, plastered everywhere. I read each days comments almost in tears, full of heartache and prayer for everyone to have a healthy pregnancy. It is exhausting though. I can’t stop either.. worry is stronger than reason!

So, my first ultrasound, my doctor says I am measuring 7w1d and that this is “small” because they expected I’d be 8 weeks.

I already thought I was 7wks... but now... the baby’s heart rate was 127bpm. I have not seen ANYONE here with a bean who’s heart rate was this low at 7wks.

I have a “growth” ultrasound in 2 weeks but I am going nuts. Ladies??