Ugh okay.. kinda long

I don’t know exactly if this is just to vent.. ig I’ll take advice?

The last few weeks haven’t been the best in my relationship.. we’ve been having mini arguments..he’s always saying sorry..kind of has no meaning anymore

Lately my bf has been coming home drunk almost everyday after work with a coworker...

I’ve confronted him about it because I don’t like the way he acts and talks..

I’m a stay at home ma and after a day of cleaning and preparing our apartment for an inspection I felt sick and needed him to help with the rest.. but of course because he’s drunk he couldn’t...he barely can hold a convo. But what he did do was make a fucking mess and started a mini fight because he thought I was ignoring him when in reality he just didn’t hear me. (I’m very soft spoken, and in pain at this point, from cramps)

Fast forward to later..he gets angry because he’s trying to sleep and our baby is awake and loud then once he’s sleeping or whatever he keeps elbowing me in my back and stuff and then moaning and groaning really loud at me when i move it...

the next day I told him everything and he apologized and said he remembers nothing..🙄 i asked him to stop drinking so much before coming home because I don’t like how he acts.. he said okay, and as an “apology “ bought me a box of alcoholic drinks...

Now tonight...drunk again. (Not to mention he drank all the “apology” alcohol) Stumbling in the house that I just cleaned top to bottom, the floor is still freaking drying even..

He manages to piss everywhere but the fucking toilet when he went to the bathroom, theres mcdonalds wrappers and food all over the bedroom and kitchen floor , he’s slamming the microwave door and bedroom door and stuff..and we argued..

It was a mess. It started with him not making sense and mumbling (of course) saying something about food? I kept saying I didn’t understand so he gets up all angry saying to “get my fucking baby” and he’ll “do it his self “ im still confused because idk what he was even saying but im now pissed because of how he’s talking to me and i decide I’ll just stay in the livingroom with my baby ...again

Returning to grab my charger he’s saying baby come lay with me blah blah but of course I don’t want to.. im trying to tell him he made such a mess and he gets mad saying how do I think that makes him feel and turning away in his blanket as if throwing a childish tantrum.. this is where I lose my shit . I yell at him how does he think I feel when I’m unhappy when he comes home, how I’ve asked him to stop..etc etc” that ended with me throwing an object.. at the wall and slamming the bedroom door behind me.. he comes in the livingroom asking wtf i threw at him blah blah (i threw at the wall, not him)..

More stupid arguing.. him trying to justify him being allowed to be drunk because he’s loyal..🙄 as if that’s all a good relationship takes. I kept reminding him I’ve told him I don’t like him drunk and he keeps acting like I’ve never said anything to him🤦🏾‍♀️.. more nonsense.. that I need to do something with my feelings...he started talking about his friend not having a dad (my point that he makes no sense while drunk)

I really just hate being around him when he’s intoxicated..