Need some reassurance right now

I have to wait a week before I can go in for my first ultrasound and it's making me anxious for the wait because I just want to know everything is progressing the way it should and where it should

I've noticed cramping which I know is normal but sometimes it switches sides but leans more towards the left which idk if that's ok or not

I've also noticed I'm dizzy sometimes when I get up but I also sleep a lot and then pop up to go to the bathroom and it hits... I try to drink a lot of water but I don't think it's enough? Or maybe I just get too overheated cause I like to snuggle in my blanket? Or too sudden of movement? It doesn't happen all the time either

This is my first pregnancy and I'm scared of something being wrong so I just want some reassurance so I can try and make it through this week. I'm currently 6w 2d