Messy job resignantion

I quit my job last week, my boss didn’t want my two weeks - the next day he asked for my key and company property, so I dropped it off over the weekend (he wasn’t there) and took what I needed from my office (my plant). I forgot a few things like a planner that’s only good until December and a photo which I have more copies of, so it’s nothing I care about and is clearly garbage to them. I was an office manager/administrator- he’d fired the other girl a few months ago and the one before that quit. I was the only one left, but I got tired of the sexual jokes, and he asked me to do something illegal to help him save the company money - which I had no interest in. I’m two years away from getting my BA in criminology and want to join the police department so I left.

He is now saying he’ll hold my paycheck if I don’t come in and wipe the computers, organize the office, make it ready for the next person (all without pay of course). There is no HR for this company, I worked directly for the owner. I contacted the accounting company who does his payroll and informed them I still would like my last check direct deposited, but now he’s saying unless I come in and give him the password for the computer he won’t deposit my paycheck. Is that legal?