First time mom


This isn’t really tmi but I just wanted to ask why healthcare professionals never take first time moms seriously, I’m 38 weeks with my first child and I told the nurse who weighs me and everything that I haven’t felt my baby move since I woke up this morning when normally before an appointment I feel him move a LOT and she told me “well besides this morning has he been moving fine?” And I said yes but what does me feeling him move last night have to do with the fact that I have not felt him move today yet?? And then she told me that if I drink something cold it should wake him up like I ate a donut and drank some cold orange juice first thing this morning and I was drinking a cold bottle of water when she said that to me like I’ve already done that and still nothing but yet still no concern from her it’s just really frustrating to feel like I’m never being taken seriously because this is my first child