TTC my rainbow baby

My husband and I got married 2 years ago and in the first year we got an oops but we're excited and then I lost it on my birthday. Then in about 6 months I got pregnant again and we were over the moon excited. I got super sick and everything sucked for awhile lol. At about 10 weeks, I started having complications and lost that baby. About 2 months afterwards they found out that I didnt release everything. I started hemmorging and had emergency surgery. The whole process was so terrifying that it took me awhile to even think about trying again. But even while this was happening, when people did get pregnant I would get so angry and have long conversations with God. Now we are actively trying and I feel so alone. I just don't know. I just got my period and I feel like I'm being punished for something. I know this isnt how God works but I'm in so much pain. So I'm praying for all those ladies out there who haven't had babies yet and want them so much. I just pray you get your babies, whether it be your rainbow or you're first and they come into this world so healthy.