Work Ideas?

Okay guys, I need some help getting creative in the work department.

I’ve only ever had retail experience and there’s not much need for that in this town. Plus, the amount id make would cover the costs of daycare. Thats it.

I also don’t really want to put my baby in daycare, unless I feel what I’m doing with my time is worth it. If I could get a job at the local newspaper, radio station, or a well-paid office type position then I’d possibly be okay with it. It’d still take a lot of thought, but I’d be more willing to consider it.

I wouldn’t mind a job that had a few hours outside of the house or was all at home. I attempted to start a business making websites for companies in this town, but I’m not sure how well that would work because every business is content solely being on Facebook or having no website. I pitched to my husband’s boss to get them a website but even with the discount given, they were unwilling.

I’m at a loss. I’m not quite sure what I could do. I do enjoy making things like DIY decor and fixing up old furniture, but I’ve never gotten to the point of being able to sell.

Mostly, I want to do something I enjoy or am passionate about. I have no college degrees yet.

Any ideas?!