Baby off bottle

I took my son off the bottle around 7.5- 8 months and he does perfectly fine with his soft spout sippy cups. I wanted to get him off the bottle because he has 5 teeth already and was chewing holes in the nipples. Well my family is saying he needs a bottle until hes 1 year old to “feel secure”. I definitely do not agree with that but I see lots of people with 1 year olds or even older drinking out of baby bottles... he’s 8 months and even puts himself to sleep most of the time, and no I do not and have never let him cry it out. i mean he’s perfectly fine. So is that a bad thing? Should I still be giving him a bottle? Maybe it was easier because he never took a pacifier either🤷🏻‍♀️ I feel like if it wasn’t so easy then yea I would still be giving him the bottle if he was crying for it or something but he seems to prefer his sippy cup honestly. And I’m currently trying to transition to 360 within the next month and they will probably say that’s bad too. They’re old school and this is the first baby in the family probably since I was born so I’m sure that is why, but I just wanted to know if that was really a bad thing !