
I don’t know what to do. My husband is in the military and we are here for another year and a half. We are living in a not so great neighborhood for $1800 a month bc the area is so expensive, with neighbors who are loud and allow their pets to use our back deck as a bathroom. They have gone through our mail, and are up all hours of the night often playing loud music keeping us awake as well. Our landlord is sweet but isn’t helpful. My husband hates his job but can’t leave and I own a small business that’s draining me. I am applying to gradschool bc I can’t stomach the thought of doing this forever, but I don’t know how to deal with this for the next 1.5 years while we’re stationed here. Everything is going wrong for both of us right now and things have been tough the past 6 months, were both wearing thin. I don’t have friends here and I’m always alone, we barely see each other bc he commutes 1.5 hours to work everyday. The time we do have together is spent making dinner then going to bed before he leaves again at 6am. He’ll get so stressed he mentions not wanting to be alive, I feel his stress and it’s adding to mine. I just don’t know what to do to help him or myself.