My Birth Story 💙 it’s longgg kind of

Dajah • Baby Dre 💙91319. Boy Mom 😚

11 days ago I gave birth to the best thing that ever happen to me 💙 my first born 😩 12 hours of labor I told myself I’m gonna have him by Friday since I was already sent to the hospital 2 times that week from regular check up appointments due to having contractions 7 minutes apart and him not being reactive enough during my non stress test my first visit to my delivery hospital I got my first cervical check An was 1 1/2 cm & 70% Effaced An was sent home then my next stress test I was having contractions an I really started feeling them an they sent me to the hospital an I was 3cm and 75% effaced an this was a week after my last checkup I was doing squats walking eating pineapples an on the exercise ball this also was a Tuesday an they ended up sending me home because my contractions started spacing out an I stopped dilating so I went home An got right on the exercise ball with Braxton Hicks goin on an nothing I tried for 2 more days an gave up lol(to induce my labor) It was 4 something in the morning I got woke up out my sleep to what I thought was Braxton Hicks so I tried moving around drinking water using the bathroom tried to sleep through it but they started getting intense then it felt like I had to poop so I went to the bathroom an I did have to poop lol so then I thought I jus had to poop really bad but they didn’t stop so by like 5;30 in the morning I started timing them an they were really close together now like 5 minutes apart then 4 then 1 then 7 then I’m trying to use the exercise ball an I’m sitting on the floor in pain then at exactly 6;00am ! I felt this really warm gush of liquids as soon as my contraction ended I knew I didn’t pee cus I had jus peed an it filled up my shorts an soaked them so I call my mom an Woke Up everybody that my water broke an the contractions started getting badd so were all getting ready to go An it’s like 25 minute drive so we made it ab get there so they hook me up an see my contractions an they check my cervix an I’m still 3cm but 80% Effaced but I’m still waiting for them to come back from testing to see if my water did break an it was the worst 15 minutes everrrr my contractions were so baddd I couldn’t bare this is by like 7;55 so they come back an tell me my membrane did rupture an we’re having a baby today an I was soo lucky because there was 1 room left an I got itt so then we get all settled in my room An I gotta get antibiotics cause I was positive for b strep an I ended up begging for the epidural an they gave it to me fast thank god I got it by 1030am so now I’m stable ab calm an Sleep by 3 I’m 6cm 90% Effaced then by 4;58 I’m 9cm. & 100% Effaced soo I’m panicking cause they gave me pitocin to make my contractions stronger an now I started to feel them ab lots of pressure with each of them but I held it until my boyfriend got back to the hospital as soon as he gets back I’m crying an in pain cause I felt like I was pushing but I wasnt sure so I told my mom an boyfriend to get the nurse An she checks me again an I’m ready to push !! Which I knew I jus wanted to wait for my boyfriend so it’s jus one doctor helping me push which was so relaxing by the time his head was coming out she called the rest of the doctors in an he was born @6;05pm I pushed for 10 minutes an got a first degree tear his heart rate maintained perfect the whole time even with the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times he was perfect & still breathing perfect 💙 literally 12 hours of labor ‘ weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces 19 inches 💙 my sweet baby boy 😍 my due date was September 30th I had him September Friday the 13th 💙 I was 37 weeks 4 days