Could I have PCOS?

So before I got on birth control i would have extremely heavy periods with terrible cramps. I would also have really painful ovulation cramps as well. Since I got on birth control a little over 6 months ago, my periods have gotten really light and short and I no longer have ovulation cramps, but I do still get period cramps but they're not as bad. During fall of last year i started to notice that i was getting more nipple hair and a lot of stomach hair (I am 20 btw). I started to get more acne around my chin area and along my cheek bones. Before that I have always had really clear skin. And a few months ago I noticed that I was getting a couple long dark hairs on my chin. I have also been getting really anxious for no reason a lot and its been taking a toll on my mental health. For those of you who have been diagnosed with PCOS, could it be possible that I do have this? I know that tests have to been done to actually confirm it but I'm wondering if y'all had similar symptoms before your diagnosis. I am going to the gyno soon and I am going to bring it up to my doctor at my appointment.