Anyone live in Alaska?


So I’ve always really wanted to live in Alaska.. I’ve spent my childhood researching the state and dreaming of going to college there. Well then I met my boyfriend and started college at a small community college in my area. Well after three years my boyfriend and I broke up and I decided that why the hell not?! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and what better time than now?? However, my mother has instilled a fear in me that I will die a lonely cat lady, because the dating pool of men in Alaska “must be scarce”.

So to anyone who lives or has lived in Alaska, is this true? Am I doomed to be alone if I move there at 19 years old, single as it can get, and with my dog? What are some good towns to look into? Should I just stay here in my corner of corn husk ville in the Midwest and push through the next two years of college while pursuing a major that I have begun to hate? Should I try to make friends online before moving there so I don’t feel so alone? Any advice at all?