Supplementing 😭


I have tried EVERYTHING to help my supply. We fixed a massive lip and tongue tie. I’ve done fenugreek to to extent where I smelled like syrup all day. Honest company lactation pills. Power pumping. Body armor. Cookies. Oatmeal. You name it, I’ve tried it.

But going back to work was the final knife in our journey. My supply has slowly started depleting. Probably from a lot stress (this is my hardest year of teaching yet), a lack of skin to skin, and not eating enough during the school day (because I pump during lunch and there’s not enough time to get all my food down).

Today I pumped four times between 8:30-5:30. I only produced a total of 5oz. So it looks like we will be burning through my freezer stash and begin supplementing with formula. My heart is so broken. I know it’s not the end of the world but this just isn’t what I wanted for my daughter. I miss my days of lounging at home and nursing her on demand. Going back to work sucks. America’s maternity leave system sucks. Today sucks.