Walmart trip went horribly wrong


Today I did something I never wanted to do... I preformed CPR. My mom and I were just making a quick trip to Walmart, I had grabbed the stuff I needed and as we headed to checkout a code white was called over the speaker an aisle over from where we were. Upon walking by there was an elderly lady unconscious on the ground and a Walmart employee freaking out beside her. I knew I had to help so I went and started assessing the situation. No one had seen what happened but it was quickly established that she wasn’t breathing. I had help rolling her over and started chest compressions... the worst part is you know you’re doing it right when you can feel the bones breaking. I continued doing CPR until first responders showed up and took over. They worked on her for 20 minutes before wheeling her out, still doing CPR. I’ll never know the outcome of what happened after and thats one of the worst things but what’s even worse was seeing all the people not know what to do. Yes it is my job to know and perform first aid but everyone should know what to do in an emergency. Every time I’ve done serious first aid has beed outside the workplace. Please Knowing basic first aid can help save someones life, whether that be a stranger or a loved one. Please consider getting certified, it isn’t expensive and only takes up a day. St. Johns ambulance has courses often and is accessible to many different age groups. Even if you can’t find time it money to get certified watch the video below to learn some of the basics.

Ps Im also 7 months pregnant if I can do it so can you