Anal maybe?

So a little backstory one time me and my husband were having hard sex and it accidentally slipped in the back door for like 1 thrust. It hurt so bad I cried and he felt horrible about it.

Fast forward, for a long time my husband has played with my butthole while doing doggy or pressed his dick up against my hole, like he really wants to stick in it. It drives me wild but I’m afraid and I want to be prepared. So I ask the other night after sex when he had pressed it against my butthole, would you like to try it sometime? He said no not really and pushed it off.

I really want to try it, and I thought he did too. Do you all think that him positioning his dick there means he wants it and is just ashamed to tell me for some reason? We’ve only been married 4 months and I find my sex drive is much higher than his. I’m also a little more adventurous