Early 1 hr ogtt result super high


I went for an early 1hr glucose tolerance test on Friday when I was 8 weeks 3 days. I got tested early because my dad has type 2 diabetes. Well, my result came back super high at 204. So, needless to say I’m going tomorrow at 9 weeks for the 3 hour test.

I immediately ordered a glucometer and have been checking my blood sugars an hour after meals. The highest it’s been is 130. I’ve even tested after eating ice cream and fruit smoothies and everything has been normal.

I am a labor and delivery nurse and see GD very often, I’m just kind of in shock that my initial reading was SO high this early. I work night shift and went to my 1 hr test after having working 3 nights in a row and I am hoping that my sleep deprivation is what drove the results so high. But I also know that if that was the cause, that’s concerning.

Anyone else with a similar situation? I’m testing tomorrow morning and I don’t work tonight so I’ll get plenty of rest!