Hi need Help but IDK what kids of help.

this is my story. I have 3 kids and when my youngest was 4 month I find out I was pregnant. I was scared, had anxiety, panick attacks, grieving (my dad pass way) and I had suicidal thoughts. I had an abortion that was the best decision the suicidal thoughts when away I felt relief. I had some healing but when its time for my period I get anxious scared I dont want to get pregnant again and have a abortion. My period is always late and before I had my kids I would last like a year without period. My head plays with me, on agus 30 I had sex and the condom got stook inside my SO got it out and right away I took plan B. now Im 5 days late , I dont know what to do I feel my anxiety getting worse and I dont want to have a panic attack. I haven't have one in 7 months. Im scared I dont even know if I want advice, talk to someone or get a pregnancy test. please help me with any. thank you