Is this it???....


On Monday afternoon I came in to the doctor’s office to do my day 21 bloodwork to see if I ovulated in this cycle. They usually get back to me with the results in about 2-4 days, but yesterday morning I already got a voicemail from them saying that they have my bloodwork results and to call them back. And so I did and I’m over here trying not to set myself up with disappointment like the last cycle and any other times.

But what came out of the nurses mouth felt like a dream... she said that I ovulated this cycle!!! She also said that my doctor wants to me call and make an appointment if I’m pregnant to do a pregnancy test there or make an appointment if I get my period.

I’m so happy that I ovulated, but at the same time I’m so scared and nervous to be disappointed if my period comes. I’ve been feeling really crappy lately and on Monday I spotted a tiny bit for a really short amount of time and it was bright red. AF isn’t expected to come until another week (Oct. 2nd)

Y’all please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I go on with this journey!! I haven’t told me husband about my bloodwork results because if I do get pregnant I have planned a surprise announcement for him already 🤫