From co sleeping to cot


So we were in a bit of financial difficulty and couldn’t afford to get a cot but have recently got one now! But Bub was rolling in his bassinet and was too big for it so put him in bed with me and we have been co sleeping! I never planned on doing that but it worked for us. But now we have a cot, little one refuses to settle in his cot! He has a few hours sleep when he goes to bed at 7 but then wakes every hour or so and won’t settle. I have to comfort nurse him every time. I’ve tried the method of letting him cry and checking in intervals everywhere 2 mins and so on but he sounds like his heart is literally breaking 😭 he naps fine during the day in his cot but most of the time he ends up back with me in bed because he won’t sleep in his own bed.

Has anyone else had a successful transition? I just don’t know what to do anymore 😭 it’s been 3 weeks and only the slightest improvement!