Road trip at 7 months?


Every year my husband and I, along with a few other leaders from our church, go to a training conference in Colorado (we’re from Texas). We drive there; it’s about 6 hours away, and we make at least 2 stops.

This year I will be 7 months pregnant at that time. Should I still plan on going or go ahead and just say it’s a no?

Obviously I will go by how I feel at that time and if my midwife gives the okay. My husband and I may even take our own vehicle so if I have to stop more frequently we aren’t inconveniencing anyone else.

I’m just asking if it’s a possibility that I could go or if it’s altogether out of the question.

We have no control over the timing or location of the conference (It is put on by a different church and dates are already set). It is a pre-planned once a year thing, so it’s this conference or nothing.

If you traveled during the 3rd trimester, was there anything that made it easier or better?

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