Weight loss help

Okay guys this has been really hard for me. I had my son in January and while pregnant I gained 40lbs. I haven't lost any weight and have actually gained some. I'm a sahm and baby sit another little boy who is 9 days younger than my son, I also work 2 hours a day for a friend at her business and coach youth cheerleading. I'm now 193lbs and I literally can't look at myself because I feel disgusted. I took out every mirror in my house and I'm so depressed it's hard for me to have any motivation to do anything. Now it's starting to affect my relationship, my boyfriend doesn't want to be intimate at all when we used to be all the time. I just need tips or suggestions on what i can do to try and lose some weight. I've tried keto and it didn't help. I'm feeling broken, down, depressed, not good enough, undesirable etc...