Anyone had this but still went full term?

Karen • Pregnant after our 3rd transfer! After two failed transfers (1 fresh and 1 frozen), we did another round of egg retrieval to PGS the embryos and we did 2 ERAs. We found out we needed another day of progesterone before transferring!

I was about 4 weeks pregnant and I had a routine Pap smear done. I had some spotting on that day and the day after. However, on the third day, I had what looked like a large clot!

My doctor thinks that it’s cervical blood mixed with mucus from doing the Pap smear. I didn’t have any abdominal pain or anything. The following day, I just had spotting when I wiped.

My doctor doesn’t think that a beta test would help at this point. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Oct. 10th.

Any had an experience like this? We did <a href="">IVf</a> and this is my first pregnancy. I know miscarriages are common so I am prepared that that could happen.