I don’t know where to go from here.

To start, i’m 20 years old. I have a 4 month old son, pregnant again with a new baby and i have a fiancé. We are currently living with my parents due to struggling financially but I don’t have a very good relationship with them. We’re looking to move soon, once we have enough saved. he works, i stay at home. I’ve been thinking a lot lately and realized that i need to see a therapist. i need someone to talk to. i’ve been through some things in my life that is hard to speak with my fiancé about and i’ve built up a lot of anger about it. i believe i have anger issues, anxiety and depression. maybe a bi-polar disorder. i have troubles with being alone. i have a hard time letting go of bad/toxic things in my life. i’m an over thinker. i stress a lot about things that i shouldn’t even stress about. i have anxiety about eventually getting a place on our own because i’m scared to be alone with my 2 babies, i have so much anxiety building and building up. i don’t know how to do daily things on my own because i’ve always been handed them growing up my mom liked to everything for me and for me to depend on her and i want to do it on my own but i guess i just don’t know how. anyways, i don’t have much for a therapist. however i have medicaid. do i need to call my medicaid and ask if they cover therapy? not really sure where to go from here... don’t have anyone to really talk to....